My Blood Parrot Is Swimming Funny

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Not sure if something is wrong with my Blood Crimson Parrot Cichlid
- #i
He is in my 30G tank lone. I have never had any fish in this tank and it cycled for ii months so I know it is definitely cycled properly. Information technology's just actually weird behavior. I am not used to Cichlids. I have mollys and platy's that I breed in several of my other tanks so I am used to them. I am non sure if he needs something different or if this is normal. I don't want him to dice just that is kind of how it looks the manner he is acting. I accept seen other peoples posts proverb that their fish were doing the same thing and that it was normal merely I just got him home near four hours agone. He hid a niggling then came out and I fed him some brine shrimp. Then all of the sudden he started acting like this. Is information technology b/c he is alone? Practise I need to become get him a buddy right away? I plan on getting another one next month b/c I am kind of tapped out for this month on extra stuff I can buy. I accept all my chemicals and things like that that I need for all of my tanks and my nutrient ect that I become monthly and have money put dorsum in case of a sick fish to become medicine merely I have ick and likewise fungal meds on hand at all times just in instance.
So basically what I am asking is is this normal or should I exist concerned? I don't want to wake upward to wake upward tomorrow to a dead fish. I love him and then much and he is so adorable and I have been wanting to try a new type of fish and did a lot of research on him merely every where I wait it says something different. So I am coming on here to enquire all of yous that have dealt with this fish in particular and would know more. Please assistance.
- #2
Unfortunately, it does not sound normal . Do y'all know what your ammonia/nitrites are? And how was the tank cycled? Although they can be shy at first and hide allot, being at the tiptop of the tank and hanging downward is very suspicious....
Wendy Lubianetsky
- #3
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- #4
Equally far as him hanging upside downwardly like that he seems to look like a bat similar you said yours does. If I turn the lights off he comes out of the corner and roams around the tank like nothing is incorrect. I feed him though and he hides and them when I turn the light back off he comes out and snatches up everything off of the gravel. I tried that last nighttime to see if he was just scared. I did not get him an bodily hiding identify because research I did I establish that they like the open area to swim and I had seen nothing that they like to hide. But when I saw him trying to get behind plants I moved them all abroad from the dorsum of the tank so he could go behind them. I have a huge orange plant that has a rock base to it and he will hide behind there when I laissez passer the tank if he is out.
So basically from what I am seeing you say they like to hide and then I volition get him a hiding place. Is there something specific that is better than other things for them? Like I said I am not familiar with cichlids every bit much every bit I am with molly'due south and platy's. I did a lot of research on him simply it seems everyone has different ideas on them b/c they are hybrid fish. I guess it just really depends on the actual personality of them one time y'all get them home. Correct now I can see him swimming around the tank. He like to be in the bubble drapery and also likes to float up on my clam shell ornaments So today he is interim amend. But when he goes upward to the top like that and hides in the corner information technology is dark in that spot b/c it is right next to the filter which blocks the light. I also have a black background and also it is on the side of the tank where he hangs equally well b/c of the angle of my tank and the way I had to exercise some of the chords I wanted to not be able to see them so I added information technology to the side as well.
I am merely really confused. Practice they always merely hide like this? I got him b/c all of the research said they love to motion around and because he is a beautiful fish. I was planning on getting some other one next month but at present later on reading some more last night I am thinking maybe non and to go him some other type of tank mates. B/C what I was reading was that they are mostly better alone as far every bit another parrot b/c they become territorial over feeding fourth dimension ect. So I was thinking of trying some other types of fish in with him. I mean he is in a huge tank alone so I think a few more fish would be good for him. I don't want to add annihilation more until I know he is ok though. Simply he does seem to exercise fine with the lights off.
Whatsoever suggestions to what would go well with him would be swell. I don't want to add annihilation that he will go attacked by and since you take feel with them and I am assuming you have more than just a parrot in a tank I would really like suggestions from someone who knows instead of just research of people saying they could do well with these other types of fish. I want him to accept the all-time domicile possible. Only for sure I will endeavour and find him a practiced hiding place as well.
Also another question. Do you retrieve I should switch out the filter I have for a bio wheel filter? The one I take on my other tank that has been established has a midline adjustable intake as well as the full superlative to well-nigh lesser role. Since they leave a lot of waste and the tank that I have it on is my other 30G with my platies in it so switching them would not be a big deal b/c information technology is already well established and the ane that he has is less powerful it seems than the bio bike i on my other tank that seems a picayune strong for my little platies.
Thank you both for answering my question and please any advice would be bang-up. Also I am keeping a close eye on him merely to make sure he is ok but as long as the lights are off he seems fine. So I will def get a hiding place for him to get into. I know that dwelling house depot sells 4X4 rocks for like $0.87 a slice and I could buy some and make something for him that is larger and he can withal get in and out and hide but too have lots of room. I have some friends that have some different types of African Cichlids and they did that and also used play sand in their tank and their fish love it. You only have to let the rocks soak for 48 hours in water changing the water every couple of hours to make sure you get them clean. But they said y'all don't even have to do that just rinse them off really well but I think I would soak them to be safe.
As well do you call back sand is better than gravel or is the gravel ok? It seems similar the days of research I did on him is merely a waste b/c I am learning a lot of the things I was reading about seem to be opposite. Well thanks once more for your aid and if you have whatever suggestions delight help me out with them I would appreciate it!!!
- #5
Everyone says they will get friendly as time goes on.
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- #6
Sounds like he needs a hiding spot. My ii BP use terracotta pots and a cave. Mine are super shy. Only coming out to explore at night.
Everyone says they will become friendly as time goes on.
- #7
Wendy Lubianetsky
- #viii

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- #9
My Blood Parrots (2) similar to hide inside anything. I have a large hollow log that they like to swim into and hang out with one eye peeding through the pigsty. They will hide backside, in, and under things. Requite your fish some time. Information technology will commencement coming out when he warms up to you.... and yes he does know you so don't scare him. May him relate food to y'all, and quiet peaceful behaviour to you. They will hide until they are comfortable. Savor them, they do come out eventually. Especially at feeding time. Wendy
Aww so cute! I can't wait until he isn't shy anymore. As long equally the lights are off he is skilful. I bought him a couple pots to go in which I as well read terracotta pots assist the ph levels in your water. Not certain if that is true or not only hey information technology can't hurt. The only thing I am worried nigh is if he is eating for certain and enough. I sat on the floor a little bit ago and my head was up by my tank and he kept looking at me and and so he would turn on his side inside the pot and become to the top of it like he was thinking I couldn't come across It was cute. I think maybe I will merely have to think when I do stuff around my living room I am slower moving when I get to pass his tank on the style to my bedroom. That way he gets used to me more and more. And peradventure sitting by him like that for a few minutes a day letting him know I won't hurt him volition ease his mind also!!!
Here"s mine. Bank check out Aquarist 48, aka Ken's page. He has so many BP fish and good advice.
I dearest your prepare and yours are so cute. I went out and got him/her I have no clue how u tell on But I went out and got a couple pots today and he has been in the 1 most of the solar day!!! Equally long as the low-cal is off he comes out though but as shortly as I poke my head upwardly he goes and hides
I have seen his page and albums and am SOOO I love my tanks merely I so wish I could have a 225G one. That would be awesome. Only I don't recall my apartment landlords would go for But he does accept awesome fish and they are not shy!!!
Now to just go him a couple friends then he isn't lonely and he will be gear up!!!
- #10
Give your fish more than time to adapt to its new environs. The fish in the corner with the nose pointed downward is a defensive posture. It may have a few weeks earlier the fish feels comfy enough to come up out of hiding while you or others are in the same room. Be patient. I sit in front of my tanks too and coax them and assist them to become to know me. Later a while, information technology will be rare that they hide at all.
Yes, Claret Parrots love to hibernate. Terracotta pots/ornaments make great hiding places and too with them existence porous adds more than surface area for beneficial bacteria needed to help sustain the tanks cycle.
When the budget permits, I would also go it a buddy of its own kind, space permitting. My largest Encarmine Parrot that I've raised from a juvenile is 10" x 8" and is thirteen years sometime. For two Bloody Parrots I would suggest at least 55g, 75 gallon would be even better. All the same, 30 gallon would be a squeamish grow out tank for about one year or so. These fish are slow growers.
A good staple pellet for your fish:
I started with the small-scale pellet and increase the pellet size as the fish grows.
Fish foods I am currently using:
https://world wide
A variety of foods is always good for your fish.
Black spots:
If your fish develops black spots/patches, don't panic. Information technology's completely normal during the juvenile period and there is no need for treatment. It volition stop once the fish matures.
There is a video of my Bloody Parrots/265g tank, posted in my profile if yous care to take a look. Just click on my name and and so View Profile.
More than Data:
https://world wide
I have moved your thread from Hybrid Fish to Hybrid Fish/Parrot Cichlid section of the forum.
Take fun with your new fish. They are really an awesome species with so much personality!
- #11
Whats the test kit you are using? Keeping nitrates nether twenty is best and 48 is a bit high. Do you know what your nitrites are? Although some have used biospira, it has been gone for some years(tetra safe get-go is the replacement) . If you got your hands on some, I'm wondering if information technology was expired ? Also your suppose to add fish with it non use information technology alone. Did you use another ammonia source?My tank was cycled using biospira. Information technology was actually cycled after a week and set up for fish but I did not add together annihilation until this guy. My level I but tested and ammonia is 0, nitrate is 48, ph is vii.4 and too checked the alkalinity to see what information technology was and information technology is vi. We have hard water here and I read while doing my research they do well with harder water.
They love others of their ownI am merely actually confused. Do they ever just hide like this? I got him b/c all of the enquiry said they love to move effectually and considering he is a cute fish. I was planning on getting another one next month but at present after reading some more than last nighttime I am thinking maybe non and to get him some other type of tank mates. B/C what I was reading was that they are mostly better solitary as far every bit some other parrot b/c they become territorial over feeding time ect. Then I was thinking of trying another types of fish in with him. I mean he is in a huge tank alone so I call up a few more than fish would be proficient for him. I don't want to add annihilation more than until I know he is ok though. Simply he does seem to exercise fine with the lights off.
Adding another filter won't hurt as they are poo machines. Only don't take the original filter off equally that's where your beneficial leaner hides out. Put a new one on for a few weeks and then yous tin can remove the quondam 1Too some other question. Do you think I should switch out the filter I have for a bio wheel filter? The one I have on my other tank that has been established has a midline adaptable intake as well every bit the total superlative to well-nigh bottom function. Since they leave a lot of waste and the tank that I take it on is my other 30G with my platies in it so switching them would non be a large deal b/c it is already well established and the one that he has is less powerful it seems than the bio wheel one on my other tank that seems a fiddling strong for my piffling platies.
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- #12
Thank you then much aquariast48. Your fish are gorgeous. I hope my Fasten and Max live that long. My mom keeps telling me she is going to steal spike because he has the greatest personality. He has started looking for her now whenever she leaves the room or house. Information technology is cute but I don't desire him liking her more than But I love all of your fish. I showed my mom and she is at present wanting to become a 75G tank and 2 BRP's also.
Any help with the questions on how to move my boys would be greatly appreciated b/c I don't want them to die in the transfer or adding them to the tank one time it is moved. Thank you again for all the help everyone!!!
- #13
And then glad to hear that your fish are doing well and that y'all've upgraded tank size.
As for the move, I would suggest that you add the fish and all of your filter media, anything porous such every bit terracotta into a cooler and add an air stone/supply line. The cooler will help to maintain the temperature of the water and continue the filter media wet. Keep your filter media wet at all times.
Keeping everything moisture volition help to preserve the benign bacteria needed to sustain the tanks cycle.
As long equally you proceed your filter media wet, the stop result of the motion should exist just like a large water change for your fish. You should non have to recycle the aquarium. Go on the substrate wet as well if possible. You do non have to keep the water, just keep enough water so that the fish to not have to acclimate over again. Add the water in the cooler to the tank (once moved) along with the fish, fill it upwardly with new h2o,
match your h2o temperatures between the tank and the new h2o, start your filter/heater and and then on and you should exist skillful to go.Add together some Prime or Nova Aqua +, something to reduce stress once in the libation.
Thanks for the kind words virtually my tank and fish.
Proceed united states posted. Try not to stress yourself too much and go along it fun. Bloody Parrots are pretty hardy fish.
- #14
I had to separate their pots due to a very defensive mama. The other one seems to capeesh her pot and me more now.
- Thread Starter
- #xv
Spike and Max love their new tank. Spike the orange ane comes out to me now every bit long as I scrunch down and kind of clamber over to the tank and don't await so And then and at feeding time. And so that is making me happy! I did discover Spike started getting rather aggressive though for 2 days so he stopped and now the little one Max is doing it.
I remember Spike might be a Spikette also b/c he/she is about 4in and Max who was virtually 1 1/2 in a month ago is now 3in and almost as big as Spike. All the same blackness with stripes though no orange all the same so I am wondering when he is going to start irresolute color?
But the charge per unit he has grown compared to Spike I am thinking for sure Max is a boy and Spike might need to be chosen
I take no clue how to sex them. I read about venting only that freaks me out and and then looking at the pictures of what a male should expect similar and a female I think it would exist really hard to tell anyhow. So besides much stress on me and Way to much on them to do that to them and me still not exist able to tell. I have nil confronting people doing it who know what they are doing though as long as information technology doesn't hurt their fish.
Also the comment you said about the little black dots I have a question. Fasten all of the sudden got a big brownish spot on his nose ane 24-hour interval so the next up towards the dorsum of his caput and 1 on his tail. I have tried to take pictures but there is a glare off of the lights and you lot tin't run into them and when I turn them off its too dark. And so the all-time I can draw them is as dark-brown for sure non green or white and not tiny dots more like bigger spots kind of like a dalmatian would have on its body simply even so smaller in the spot size ratio to the body.
So some other question pitiful I know it'south a lot. Max since he has had his little aggressive stage (still having and chases my 8 in pleco) his body looks best way to draw would be to say like he has really dry out peel. He volition not come out for me to take a picture. I go him to come out like I exercise with Spike by crawling merely as before long as I put my telephone upwards to accept a motion-picture show he zooms off. I don't know who said these guys are irksome b/c mine are super And so wondering what that could possibly be also. Should I mayhap care for him with melafix? My fish guy swears upon that stuff for everything from ick to anything bacterial. Just I am not certain what is wrong with him. I will endeavor and see if I can get a moving picture of him withal just probably not.
Another thing was is information technology 100% proven all males are sterile?
Also one more than affair I was cruising through youtube and establish the funniest BRP video and it merely shows how smart these guys are so wanted you to see it. So adorable.
Thank you again for your help I really appreciate it!!!
Good morning,So glad to hear that your fish are doing well and that you've upgraded tank size.
As for the motility, I would suggest that you add the fish and all of your filter media, anything porous such every bit terra cotta into a cooler and add an air rock/supply line. The cooler will help to maintain the temperature of the water and keep the filter media wet. Go on your filter media wet at all times.
Keeping everything wet will assist to preserve the beneficial bacteria needed to sustain the tanks cycle.
As long equally you proceed your filter media wet, the end result of the move should be just similar a large water change for your fish. You should not have to recycle the aquarium. Keep the substrate wet besides if possible. You practice not have to keep the h2o, only keep enough water then that the fish to not have to acclimate again. Add the h2o in the cooler to the tank (in one case moved) forth with the fish, make full it up with new h2o,
match your water temperatures betwixt the tank and the new h2o, start your filter/heater and so on and y'all should exist good to go.Add together some Prime or Nova Aqua +, something to reduce stress once in the cooler.
Thanks for the kind words about my tank and fish.
Go on us posted. Effort non to stress yourself as well much and keep it fun. Encarmine Parrots are pretty hardy fish.
That is so crawly I hope one day I volition be able to tell with mine! Glad that they are getting non as shy.
Then glad to hear the update. One of my BP was confirmed a girl this week w/ eggs. Merely one of the BPs has started warming upwardly to me. Both still very shy. I sit down about 5 anxiety from the tank and then they can't see me and picket them.
I had to carve up their pots due to a very defensive mama. The other one seems to appreciate her pot and me more at present.
- #sixteen
The but style I know to sex the Bloody Parrot is to see who lays eggs and who doesn't.
You lot may become lucky and have a fertile male just I wouldn't count on it. No, not all Bloody Parrots are sterile, as Rogue mentioned above, he has had fertile males and successful spawns in the past. Out of xiv or 16 Bloody Parrots that I've had over the years, none of mine accept been fertile.
The brown spots yous are seeing are more than likely normal. I wouldn't recommend whatsoever handling at this point. Go along an eye on them and see if they fade away on their own over the adjacent few days. In the link below, you can run across Lovely (same photos in the link beneath 3/11/12, and in that location are some photos posted in that location where a fish is covered with black or brown spots likewise. Encounter photos in mail service #xvi and 18.
As for the dry out pare await, not sure about this 1. Was the fishes color faded too? These fish tin change colors that are only amazing. Check out the photos in the link below and have a look at my girl Lovely. She was in full spawning fashion when these photos were taken. Await at the photos taken 3/12/11 (dated in the bottom right mitt corner, these are Lovely:
Normally she is full bright orange just like the others.
Too, check out the link beneath and notice the lighter patches of scales. Is this what your fish is displaying? If so, it's normal. It'due south more of a color fade than dry skin/scales:
Going to check out the video now. Besides beautiful! lol Sebastian is adorable. A while back, I could do a circle on the drinking glass with my finger and the fish would practise a consummate circle pond up side down and was funny to watch. These fish will swim in every management possible. I've seen mine swim upward side down all the way across the 7' tank. Too, they may slumber completely on their sides in a cave or pot.
My Bloody Parrots accept been dull growers over the years, they may go a growth spurt and and so deadening down a bit. These fish tin can swim fast when the desire to .
- Thread Starter
- #17
I thought you lot would like that video he is so cute!!!
The brown spots don't really look like that. Last night later existence on here I kind of got a moving picture of Max and and so got a really good picture of Spike's brown spots on his face. They look a lot darker in person but y'all can get the idea by the pics hopefully. So I volition keep an eye on it as you suggested and and then become from there. He has been acting weird last dark after I posted on here. I honestly thought he was going to die. I flipped on the light (I turn information technology off at nighttime) and he was completely upside down. I had never seen him do that before. I have seen him proceed his side all the way in the pots like you said yours have done. They both did that a lot when I starting time got them. So he scared me a lot when that happened. He has the best personality of any creature I have ever had and I do not desire to lose him.
Equally far as colors on the link y'all posted, Spike the bigger and orange i gets similar that a lot where there are lighter spots. Equally for Max he is still black and so information technology is difficult to say merely information technology does look as though his color has faded a trivial and gotten a little lighter. I got a moving-picture show of him under the bridge I have in my aquarium and he is starting to poke his head out a trivial so the lite hits him and so you tin meet him. Looks like he has a footling yellow on him. I will still attempt and get a better moving-picture show at some indicate when he decides to come out when the lights are on. Well I could feed them a little early and meet if he volition come out long enough for me to get a good i. I will try.
Its kind of funny I haven't turned my aquarium calorie-free on yet simply I tin come across Max and Fasten swimming side by side upwardly and downward and all over the place and they haven't done that in a long time. Well I shouldn't say a long time I have just had them for a piddling over two months I call back now maybe less can't Information technology is only 4am and then my brain is withal trying to wake upward.
But that is a little bit odd for them to do. Possibly information technology is just b/c they are hungry. I am going to feed them a picayune snack really quick and run into if I tin can get some pictures of Max!
Well I got him to come out and I am no longer worried about him because he has a lot of yellow and orangish on him today. I will post a pic with this likewise every bit i of Spikes nose. I approximate he was but going through a color change. At least I hope I will still post the picture show so you can see. It is a little blurry because he was zooming to take hold of some falling pellets I gave them. I figured it would be the all-time matter because he would be poking around the bottom for a infinitesimal and then I would be able to become a
Seems as though Max's aggression is however pretty bad though. He is picking on my poor pleco. Weird because it is twice his size
Your Lovely is gorgeous. Was she orange before she went into spawning so when she was done went dorsum to orange or was that her juvenile color? She is just gorgeous also as all of your fish but I have to say she is most def my favorite one existence orange now or not because her face is and so adorable. Well of course other than my His personality as I said is then amazing.
I just don't become why people hate these fish and say don't buy them b/c they are hybrids. Well it's non their fault someone crossbred them and they accept some what expect like deformities but may not be at all. Maybe that is what makes them so much calmer than other cichlids. I get angry when I see people post nearly don't purchase those fish they are just going to die of malnutrition because of the way their mouths are. I kind of went off on another site where I saw that through a google search I did. I told him if yous feed them and take care of them properly they volition live long healthy lives. I mean if people stopped buying them and then they would exist stuck in small tanks at a large quantity and have miserable lives b/c they are notwithstanding going to be born whether information technology be a lucky fertile male or the breeders keep mixing the 2 types to breed them. I am bold that is how they go along and then many stocked in stores and other places since near of the males are infertile.
Well as usual I take typed a agglomeration I talk a lot likewise so you can only imagine past how much I blazon how much I I really practice appreciate all the help. I look for your replies b/c I can honestly say I don't trust anyones opinion equally much as yours or advice now since you accept so many and are so knowledgeable near these little guys. Merely hither are the pictures of my two I promised. I am also going to add one of them healthy! Well before whatever these issues. Since they may not be health issues. I love them so much. Since I lost my true cat of 18 years in September of last yr (same day I got her eighteen years ago) I had been miserable and my mother suggested maybe an aquarium. Well I took it to the next level. She thought maybe I would become some goldfish or something but non me. I went direct for the big tanks and fish with the best personalities. My divorce is going to exist final today and my guys have helped me past me only sitting and watching them. Fasten looks at me and honestly I think he gets a little twinkle in his heart when I cry. He seems to know I am pitiful and comes out even more. OK I am making myself cry and not shutting Here are those pics. Let me know what y'all recall about Max besides if it is just his color modify.
I just went through all of my pictures and found some of when I first got them as well so there is something to compare them besides. I hope there is no limit on pics you tin mail. I have like half-dozen. Well here they are an hour and 15 minutes after I started typing and taking pics and I look forward to hearing what you think near the issues and also if you think my guys are every bit cute every bit I Anyones opinions are appreciated...
I am non sure how to label each motion picture so I will look into it but from the preview of the mail I volition tell you which ones they are.
First row
1. Fasten when I first got him and why I call him Spike
2. Fasten with Max next to him swimming. Max is a lilliputian ways back so you have to look b/c he is black. It was when I first got him a few days after I got Spike.
3. Fasten!!! This is where he looks like the one pictures you showed me on that link where he has lighter spots on him.
Second Row:
1. Max this morning with orangish and yellow on him which wasn't there final nighttime! (And then hopefully the dry scales were only color change)
2. Spike'southward chocolate-brown spot on his nose and head. Hard to encounter because of the aquarium lite merely you can kind of encounter them. They are brown though.
3. Max once again this morning.
Third Row:
i.Max and Fasten sideways in their little pot that is no longer in there b/c they started staying away from it and I got some improve spots for them. This was right before Spike nudged Max He would always exercise that.
2. Fasten and Max both trying to fit into a tiny terracotta pot that was literally just a decoration simply they decided to requite information technology a go. Max even though there was 2 wanted to go in with his buddy!
three. Max when I get-go got him. He has grown and so much and y'all can definitely encounter the colour alter now that I went back and institute this ane compared to the ones I took today!
That's all. I accept many more on my FB page over 70 of just them over the past 3 months only here are 9 that I think are cute and funny and then the ones to show you what I am talking about!! Thank you again for all your help and I am sorry this is so long!!
P.S. Don't mind my tiger oscars they are the blur in the one picture. They are but in in that location b/c I took ane of my tanks downstairs to my new apartment already and so I put them in there. They really all like each other. I thought I might of had to split up the tank only I didn't. They are small and then I think that is why they are non picking on them as well. Getting my 100G tank for those 2 once I get moved and settled!!!
Expert morning,The just way I know to sex activity the Encarmine Parrot is to come across who lays eggs and who doesn't.
You may get lucky and take a fertile male merely I wouldn't count on it. No, not all Bloody Parrots are sterile, every bit Rogue mentioned to a higher place, he has had fertile males and successful spawns in the by. Out of xiv or 16 Encarmine Parrots that I've had over the years, none of mine have been fertile.
The brown spots you are seeing are more than likely normal. I wouldn't recommend whatever treatment at this bespeak. Keep an eye on them and see if they fade away on their own over the side by side few days. In the link below, yous can see Lovely (same photos in the link below 3/11/12, and in that location are some photos posted there where a fish is covered with black or brown spots too. See photos in post #16 and 18.
As for the dry out pare look, not sure nigh this one. Was the fishes colour faded too? These fish can change colors that are just amazing. Check out the photos in the link below and have a wait at my girl Lovely. She was in full spawning style when these photos were taken. Look at the photos taken three/12/eleven (dated in the bottom right mitt corner, these are Lovely:
Normally she is total bright orangish just like the others.
Too, bank check out the link beneath and detect the lighter patches of scales. Is this what your fish is displaying? If then, it'south normal. It'south more of a color fade than dry peel/scales:
Going to check out the video now. Also cute! lol Sebastian is ambrosial. A while back, I could exercise a circle on the glass with my finger and the fish would practise a complete circle swimming up side downwardly and was funny to lookout man. These fish will swim in every direction possible. I've seen mine swim up side downwards all the way across the 7' tank. Too, they may sleep completely on their sides in a cavern or pot.
My Bloody Parrots have been slow growers over the years, they may go a growth spurt and and then slow down a bit. These fish tin swim fast when the desire to .
- #eighteen
Some folks like Hybrids and others do not. Still, it's my tank and I'll stock what I choose to stock while keeping the fishes best interests in mind.
I retrieve your fish await nice and good for you! My oldest is 13 years old and is 10" past 8".
Lovely is but as orange as all of my other Encarmine Parrots. She changes colors with every spawning mode. They can be drastic color changes as you've seen in the photos. Lovely is a Love Eye Bloody Parrot and has no tail. I've seen information that the tails are chopped off at nascency (which is most likely the case) and I've seen information that a particular gene was omitted when these fish were created. So...I bought Lovely before I joined Fish Lore and she is budgeted 12 years old herself.
I accept never owned a more personable type of fish. I love them!
There are several members on the forum that tin can likewise provide proficient data on Bloody Parrots. I'k sure others will chime in from time to time.
One reason your Encarmine Parrots may be picking on your Pleco is because they may eat the fish waste matter. Plecos digestive organisation is pretty much in a straight line and so what goes in comes out quickly! Information technology isn't a pretty sight to see but it happens. I have some Encarmine Parrots that follow my 12" Pelco around the tank waiting. They have never harmed the Pleco though.
Keep us posted and thanks for sharing the photos of your beautiful fish.
Fish are so relaxing and calming. One of the principal reasons I'thousand in the hobby! I tin can go lost in my own petty world watching my fish.
- Thread Starter
- #19
Have a slap-up twenty-four hours and thank you again for all your help I really exercise capeesh it and anybody elses every bit well.
Awwww Beautiful fish!Some folks like Hybrids and others practice non. Withal, it'southward my tank and I'll stock what I choose to stock while keeping the fishes best interests in listen.
I think your fish look dainty and good for you! My oldest is 13 years sometime and is ten" by 8".
Lovely is but every bit orangish equally all of my other Encarmine Parrots. She changes colors with every spawning mode. They can be desperate color changes as yous've seen in the photos. Lovely is a Love Heart Bloody Parrot and has no tail. I've seen data that the tails are chopped off at nascence (which is most probable the case) and I've seen information that a detail gene was omitted when these fish were created. Then...I bought Lovely earlier I joined Fish Lore and she is approaching 12 years erstwhile herself.
I have never endemic a more personable type of fish. I love them!
There are several members on the forum that can also provide good information on Bloody Parrots. I'chiliad sure others volition chime in from time to time.
One reason your Bloody Parrots may be picking on your Pleco is because they may eat the fish waste. Plecos digestive organization is pretty much in a directly line so what goes in comes out quickly! It isn't a pretty sight to run across but it happens. I have some Bloody Parrots that follow my 12" Pelco around the tank waiting. They have never harmed the Pleco though.
Keep us posted and thanks for sharing the photos of your cute fish.
Fish are so relaxing and calming. I of the principal reasons I'm in the hobby! I can get lost in my own little earth watching my fish.
- #20

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