Busy Road Jojo s Bizarre Adventure to Be Continued Template


♫ Vocal percussion on a whole 'nother level
Coming from my mind ♫

Being one of, if not the most memetic JoJo part, it's bound to have more than one meme as listed below.

For Jojo memes based on other parts, see here.

Please add entries in the following format if possible:

  • The meme. [[labelnote:Explanation]]The explanation behind the meme, if necessary.[[/labelnote]] Explanation Like this.
    • Further mutations and successor memes, if any.

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    Memes derived from Part 5 as a whole/Unsorted

  • I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream. note Giorno mentioning his dream got exaggerated by the fandom as he tries to mention it every situation possible, no matter how inappropriate it is.
    • By the by, in Italian that would be "Io, Giorno Giovanna, ho un sogno."
    • I, Giorno Giovanna... Explanation The above has been snow-cloned as needed to apply to just about anything involving Giorno. For example, videos of the dub have included such user comments as, "I, Giorno Giovanna, have learned English."
    • Joking about how Mannish Boy and Death 13 would be able to defeat Giorno because Death 13 goes into dreams and Giorno always has a dream.
  • This fan animation of Haruno Shiobana undergoing a "Magical Girl" transformation into Giorno Giovanna has become rather popular.
  • "This taste... is the taste of a LIAR! Giorno Giovanna!" Explanation Early on in Part 5, Bucciarati is able to prove that Giorno is lying by tasting his sweat in an extremely Ho Yay-tastic manner.
    • "What a surprise! That's the distinct tang of a liar! Right, Giorno Giovanna?!" Explanation The line in the dub.
  • Banana Doppio. Explanation Doppio as a banana. That's it, really. Became a widely used image in shitposts and random surreal humor.
  • It's basically Chowder but with gay gangsters. Explanation Due to the characters' names being all based on various Italian food, the series drew some comparisons to the cartoon series Chowder, which had similar Edible Theme Naming going on.
    • Also Mista is sometimes compared to Caesar Zeppeli, due to caesar and insalata mista both being types of salad (though likely unintentional in Caesar's case.)
      • And also this.
  • "Giorno does X" Shut the fuck up, Giorno! note Abbacchio's utter hatred of Giorno for seemingly no good reason has become his defining character trait and is usually exaggerated in fanworks or comment sections. The latter of which have depicted him telling Giorno to shut up, most commonly for simply breathing or existing.
  • Cheese Boi is mouldy. Explanation Pannacotta Fugo, due to his clothing being full of holes, has frequently been compared to a slice of Swiss cheese. The fact he's colored green in the anime just made it even worse.
    • Strawberry Fugo Explanation There are also fans championing for Fugo's original color scheme, with red clothes and white hair, even making edited screencaps from the anime of Fugo in their preferred color scheme.
    • Do not weep for cheese boy. Explanation This quote from JelloApocalypse's video about JoJo has gotten very popular. It's hard to not find this whenever Fugo is brought up.
  • "Wait, Narancia's a boy?" Explanation Due to his attire and voice, Narancia is frequently mistaken for a girl by many newcomers to the series, which may be a reference to Aerosmith's (his Stand's namesake) song 'Dude Looks Like a Lady'.
  • Narancia is baby. note The fandom loves to exaggerate Narancia's childish traits and portray him as The Cutie, drawing him to look smaller, cuter and even more feminine, or acting younger than his actual age (17), doing things like wanting to be tucked into bed by Bucciarati and drawing pictures with crayons.
    • (over screenshots of him killing people) Oh, but Narancia is just such a baby! note Making fun of the fans that characterize Narancia as though he's completely innocent and harmless by pointing out all the violent things he does during the part, including: holding Fugo at knifepoint in their first appearance, beating up a random civilian for threatening him, torturing Zucchero's severed head and dancing in front of it, blowing up a bunch of cars and setting the street on fire, and killing four grown men all by himself in less than a week.
  • Narancia's Notebook Explanation A variation of the basic "book of facts" meme where the mememaker's opinion is written in Narancia's math book. Another variation is to write something the mememaker disagrees with in Narancia's math book, followed by the panel of Fugo stabbing Narancia in the face with a fork.
  • Mista is Kira in disguise. Explanation Many fans have joked that Guido Mista is actually just Yoshikage Kira in disguise, given that Mista and Kosaku Kawajiri, Kira's stolen identity, have nearly identical faces.
  • Narancia did 9/11 Explanation Due to the series being set in the year 2001 and Narancia's stand being an airplane, it's been joked by some fans that he was responsible for the September 11 attacks that year.
  • YA YA YA, COCO JUMBO, YA YA YE! note The Stand-using turtle in Part 5 is named after an insanely catchy song, which many assume plays non-stop for anyone inside the turtle. For added laughs, the turtle's Stand is named "Mr. President", after the band behind said song.
    • Related to that, people treating the song as Polnareff's Leitmotif. Explanations(Spoilers) After his body is killed by Diavolo, Polnareff's spirit survives by inhabiting Coco Jumbo.
  • OH HOLY SHIT I AM FUCKING FABULOUS Explanation Often used to mock Part V, the point in the series where buff character designs were shifted in favor for more realistic proportions.
  • Giorno Drinks "Tea". Explanation One of Part 5 most well-known scenes is when Giorno drinks tea that Abbacchio served him...from a teapot that Abbacchio pissed in. The scene became pretty infamous among the fandom, with some fans joking about Giorno liking urine.
    • "What the hell? That's disgusting!" "You have no right to say that, Mr. Piss." Explanation During the Clash/Talking Head arc, Narancia pisses in a public toilet to keep the team away from the water that Squalo's Stand is about to manifest in, and Abbacchio says, "What the hell? That's disgusting!" Fans immediately started joking that since he pissed in a teapot and served it to Giorno, he has no room to talk.
  • "That's bullshit, but I believe it" Explanation Using a manga panel/anime frame when Giorno asking the rest of yet to be formed Team Bucciarati/Bodyguard Team, it is a made-up but memetic line attributed to Giorno sometimes used to just have people go along with something farfetched or unbelievable.
  • M0:00DY BLUES. Explanation A common YouTube comment copypasta, with variations such as "I'll use M0:00dy Blues to rewind this song." The 0:00 part when clicked will repeat the video you're watching from the beginning, alluding to Moody Blues' rewind power.
  • Polnareff, there's no such thing as a Mirror World. note In Stardust Crusaders, the key to win against the Hanged Man is when Kakyoin realizes that Hanged Man doesn't live inside a "mirror world" and there's no such thing. But later in Part 5, Illuso's stand, Man in the Mirror, is literally a mirror world. This meme was made popular by a video made even before the anime adaptation
  • People being confused about how King Crimson works will often result in everyone saying no one knows how it works. Explanation The theory of King Crimson is not that difficult to understand. It has two main abilities — Time Erasure and Epitaph. Time Erasure allows KC to delete portions of time for up to 10 seconds, while Epitaph allows its user Diavolo to see 10 seconds into the future. However, the myriad possibilities of situations and consequences of erasing time are the source of much confusion. Also, the details are not portrayed consistently. This happens a lot when Stands are first introduced, but his relatively few appearances exaggerate this effect.
    • IT JUST WORKS Explanation The standard response to said people confused about how King Crimson works, becoming just as memetic in its own right. Notably, Robert Fripp, the sole consistent member of the band King Crimson (which the Stand is named after), acknowledged the meme in a Facebook post.
    • Ping Crimson Explanation One common explanation for Diavolo's Stand power compares it to the effects of a lag spike in online video games; everything queued up to occur during the spike happens all at once as soon as the lag clears up, just like how the consequences of actions done within erased time still occur at the end of the deleted portion. Fans found this simple analogy to be shockingly accurate, leading to the punny Fan Nickname of "Ping Crimson" along with many jokes about instances of conveniently or inconveniently-timed lag spikes actually being the work of King Crimson, or Diavolo being likened to God Modders who deliberately cause lag spikes to get an unfair advantage in online matches.
    • "ALRIGHT, YOU WANNA KNOW FINE?! I ADMIT IT, I DON'T KNOW HOW KING CRIMSON WORKS!! Explanation A viral video of someone understanding and getting angry at King Crimson's power to skip/erase time. Turned into a copypasta and was Hilarious in Hindsight thanks to it coming out on February 22nd 2016 and 3 years later, King Crimson was revealed in the anime. Ironically, the explanation for King Crimson's ability in the anime has caused a lot less confusion due to how it's portrayed.
    • Todd Howard is King Crimson. Explanation While he was describing some features of Fallout 4, the Bethesda producer said "it just works". Comparisons between him and King Crimson ensued.
    • King Crimson is rollback netcode. Explanation Related to the "Ping Crimson" meme above, with the sudden abundance of discussion surroudning rollback netcoding due to its increasingly prominent use in fighting games, comparisons soon began to be made towards King Crimson's abilities. Rollback netcode, instead of simply delaying players' inputs to compensate for lag, is designed arond "correcting the past" by being programmed to assume that a player has input a command into the game via their controller, essentially trying to predict multiple outcomes at once by using saved states (Epitaph's ability). If the outcome does not match up with the players' inputs, the game state "corrects" itself by applying the proper inputs to the synchronized connections between players. This results in smooth gameplay in good connections, and jittery gameplay in bad connections which often involve instances of randomly and constantly teleporting (King Crimson's Time Erasure ability).
  • RING RING RING RING RING. Boss is that you? Explanation (Spoilers) When Doppio is conversing with his other personality, Diavolo, he always has to imitate a ringtone and pick something up and talk through it as if it were a phone. This gets thrown in alongside other Diavolo memes due to just how ridiculous some of the things he picks up are.
  • And Giorno lied... Explanation When Giorno was little, he saved the life of a mafioso by pointing to the side and telling his pursuers, "He went that way..." There's a text box nearby that says "And Giorno lied..." Giorno's words are usually erased and rewritten with any statement.
  • After DioYouMeme released a series of "leaked" episodes of the anime (which were just an abridged parody of the manga's plot with static artwork and text-to-speech), several lines, especially Giorno's catchphrase "I like-a piss" (courtesy of an Italian text-to-speech program used for Giorno) and Bucciarati's "Nice.", have become in-jokes within the JoJo community.
  • "They killed Mario/Luigi!" Explanation The Janitor that notices that Giorno's lighter is still letting out gas, and is later murdered by Black Sabbath, has drawn comparisons to Nintendo's favorite plumbers due to his moustache and attire. The fact that he was dressed in red in the manga, but green in the anime, only serves to heighten the Mario/Luigi references.
  • "What I'm about to say may contradict God's teachings." Explanation Polpo uses this line when he tells Giorno how he believes murdering someone who insulted you would be forgiven by God. It's since seen some use when bringing up an unpopular opinion.
  • Spread Soda Explanation A very blatant Bland-Name Product parodying Sprite, seen on Giorno's table next to the loaf of bread he puts the lighter on.
    • Later, Mista is seen drinking another Sprite parody called "Spalite".
  • The torture dance. Explanation A rather surreal sequence where Mista, Narancia, and Fugo all suddenly start dancing while Mista is in the process of torturing an enemy Stand user for information. Taken a step further in the anime, which turns it into a full-on music video and Disney Acid Sequence.
  • Fuck this window. Explanation This will always be brought up whenever the scene where Mista first uses his Stand is mentioned. Here's the original clip.
  • Mista is best dad. Explanation Mista's Stand, Sex Pistols, are six separate entities that act like children and constantly bicker with each other. Mista trying to get them to cooperate and trying not to play favorites between them adorably comes off like a frustrated father with six rowdy toddlers.
    • "Was I supposed to be feeding mine too?" Explanation Giorno's surprise at seeing Mista feeding his Pistols salami has been humorously interpreted by fans as him questioning if Stands also need food. Cue the jokes about Gold Experience being so skinny, or Abacchio perplexed on how to feed his Stand (who doesn't have a mouth) and Narancia complaining about feeding a miniature aeroplane.
    • Stands can have little a salami Explanation Combining this meme with "cats can have little a salami".
  • Pineapple Man Explanation Pesci's Gonk appearance has gotten quite the treatment, with his hairstyle and weirdly-shaped head being compared to a pineapple. The "look at this dude" Vine also was used quite often.
  • Poking Giorno's tiddies Explanation During the Illuso battle, Abbacchio scolds Giorno and sticks his finger into Giorno's bare chest. The way the shot was framed was widely parodied, notably the fact that Giorno is 15 (drawing lots of spoofs where Abbacchio is chased by the FBI for touching an underage minor).
  • "This isn't so ba-OH MY GOD THEY SPELLED TRASH BACKWARDS" Explanation A quote from this Antfish short, coming from Fugo's initial reaction to being trapped inside Illuso's mirror world.
    • "There's no such thing as a world inside a mirror" Explanation Another quote from the same video referencing Kakyoin's response in Part 3 to Polnareff's claims about The Hanged Man attacking using mirrors. Cue now with a stand that sends its foes into a world inside a mirror.
  • Bucciarati's having Hawaiian pizza tonight Explanation In trying to save Coco Jumbo and the rest of the gang, Bucciarati throws Prosciutto under the train, crushing him to death, and later kills Pesci by using his Stand to cut him apart into small pieces. Since Prosciutto means "ham" and Pesci resembles a pineapple, fans have joked about how he basically prepared the two main ingredients of Hawaiian pizza.
  • "GENITALS GENITALS GENITALS GENITALS!" Explanation Bucciarati's Stand cry is 'ARIARIARIARI!' which ended up taking an awkward turn when fans discovered that "ari" is Filipino for "genitalia".
  • TURTLE TOILET Explanation A commonly mocked moment comes in Bucciarati suggesting that they turn the closet into a toilet, even remarking that "the turtle could get nutrients from it". Cue pissed-off fans going "HOW DARE YOU MAKE COCO JUMBO A TOILET!"
  • Giorno turning his hand into a piranha in the battle against Baby Face has had fans joking about Kars' similar ability, even suggesting that "his grandpa would be proud" (in a loose, non-biological way, given Kars created the Stone Mask that turned Dio into a vampire).
  • DI MOLTO Explanation A recurring expletive of Melone, meaning "very, extremely" or "well done".
    • Melone, I am on the FUCKING edge right now! You're trying to say "Well done" but the phrase "Di Molto" means "A lot of"! The correct Italian phrase you're looking for is "Molto Bene"! YOU SHOULD FUCKING KNOW THIS BECAUSE WE'RE ITALIAN! For the love of God, Melone, I AM BEGGING YOU SHOW SOME ITALIAN PRIDE AND GET IT RIGHT YOU RAPIST PIECE OF SHIT! Explanation On Reddit, the subreddit r/ShitPostCrusaders has a bot that automatically responds with this Ghiaccio-style copypasta whenever somebody says "di molto". On Melone- or Ghiaccio-related posts, sometimes people will post comments consisting of "di molto" and nothing else, just to trigger the bot.
  • "Nah, Giorno's just waving." Explanation After losing a piece of his throat, Giorno tries to contact the others, though Narancia mistakes his waving as a message from Bucciarati. This has led to it being compared to the "rain sounds like Josuke" scenario.
    • "Fugo, is something wrong?" Explanation Similar to "Contestant Hit of the 11th Universe", the dub made a mistake by having Abbacchio address Narancia as Fugo (who had stayed behind not too long before) during this scene. This hasn't gone unnoticed by the fandom.
  • RIP, yet another of Giorno's snakes Explanation The snake that kills Melone dies and breaks apart into cubes shortly afterward, drawing ire from the fans who previously found it cruel how Gold Experience had to kill the poor Brick Snake to extract its blood and save Giorno's life.
  • "WHERE IS MY SUPER SUIT?" Explanation Ghiaccio's Stand, White Album, takes the form of an armored suit enclosing his body that allows him to skate. As his powers also involve controlling ice, it inevitably drew comparisons to Frozone from The Incredibles asking his wife about his super suit.
  • Ghiaccio is Beatrice the Golden Witch. Explanation After the Part 5 anime won Best Character Design in the Crunchyroll Awards, Beatrice uploaded an infamous video that consisted of her loudly and incoherently screaming at the show, alongside a series of heated tweets insulting the series fans. Fans have subsequently taken to overlaying this with one of Ghiaccio's several violent rants as a means of mocking her.
  • Ghiaccioposting note Ghiaccio's infamous ranting about figurative language really took off with the anime. Many people imitate it to go off on long-winded angry spiels about word play and minor inconveniences.
  • A rather disturbing meme has popped up on Instagram replacing Giorno's eyes and mouth with his hair loops (warning: Body Horror incoming). The meme has crossed over to several other characters, most especially Kakyoin.
  • King Crimson is Daylight Savings Time Explanation King Crimson's ability to skip time has been humorously compared to the principle of Daylight Savings Time, which skips over one hour in order to correct working time with the daylight hours and save electricity. What made it funnier was Daylight Savings Time actually happening while Golden Wind was airing, just a few short months after King Crimson first appeared.
  • Narancia is Aquaman Explanation The anime shows Narancia talking underwater while swimming after Bucciarati's boat and calling out to them. As such, many fans have jokingly claimed that Narancia can breathe underwater because of his stand ability, and some fan edits on Youtube even replaces his dialogue with incomprehensible gurgling whenever his head goes underwater... completely forgetting that Stand Users have been communicating underwater with their stands since Part 3's Dark Blue Moon fight, but when has the Internet let common sense get in the way of a good meme?
    • Some have suggested he is actually a mermaid.
    • On a related note, lots of fans have suggested that Fugo not joining into the betrayal was not because he had conflicted loyalties or was being pragmatic, he simply didn't know how to swim.
  • "Fugone" Explanation (spoilers) A pun used to refer how Fugo left the Part for good after staying behind when Bucciarati decides to betray the Boss.
  • Abbacchio joins in the beatdown Explanation When Narancia mistakes a random guy on the street for an enemy stand user, he knocks him to the ground and starts kicking him alongside Mista. Abbacchio seems to eye them with contempt and take a sip of his wine...only to participate in the brutality in the very next shot until noticing the poor guy is aready unconscious. This scene was widely memed in the fandom and anime Twitter in general, often depicting the angry guy being beat up as a particular idea and Mista and Narancia as two groups or figures opposed to said idea, with Abbacchio as someone who shouldn't be involved in the hate but joins in anyway. Others have just used the latter shot as to express a large-scale backlash, such as the second season of One-Punch Man.
  • SHEER SHARK ATTACK HAS NO WEAKNESS Explanation Squalo claiming that his stand Clash, a shark-like figure that can manifest out of any liquid, is 'practically invincible', drawing comparisons to Kira's Sheer Heart Attack.
    • Many are pointing out the similarity between Clash and a Syfy B-movie called "Ghost Shark", where the titular shark can manifest out of any source of water, even in bathtubs, pools, and a glass.
  • Gay Shark Boy and Gay Tongue Boy Explanation Ohhh boy, is the Ho Yay strong with Squalo and Tiziano, with them lovingly stroking each other's chests and putting their faces very close to one another as they speak. Fans have joked about this relationship, with some saying that they were this close to making out in public.
    • Some have joked that Squalo and Tiziano's very homoerotic relationship was Araki's way of apologizing about Sorbet and Gelato, who gained much fan attention due to being canonically gay but being killed off before their relationship could be explored.
    • And of course the the mass outpouring of grief from the fandom when Tiziano sacrifices himself to protect Squalo and dies in his arms.
  • Carne's entire introduction has became a common source for meme images. Many compare him to Moto Moto the hippo from Madagascar 2 (due the way he slowly approaches the gang at the airport, just like Moto Moto does in his debut scene towards Gloria), or poke fun of him receiving a message from the Boss saying "Your mission: DIE".
    • There's also a section of the fandom finding the small "baby form" of Notorious BIG rather Ugly Cute.
  • "Trish is me!" Explanation As he swims after the boat Narancia yells that "I am Trish! Her wounds are my own!" to mean that he sympathizes with her plight as he had suffered similar abuse in the past. Of course, the fandom humorously interpreted it LITERALLY, and kept making jokes about Narancia actually considering himself a girl, editing Narancia to look like Trish, or "lists of people that are Trish" including both of them in addition to Doppio and Mista.
    • "The Bucci Gang, but everyone is Trish."
  • Polnareff the turtle. Explanation (spoilers) Given Polnareff's fate of living inside Coco Jumbo, lots of fan art is dedicated to Jotaro's or Josuke's reaction to Polnareff's fate. Memes comparing Polnareff to other famous turtles of pop culture such as Squirtle or the Ninja Turtles also abound.
  • The Olive Garden. Explanation Many fans noticed that the Bucciarati gang's frequent hangout is a beige Italian restaurant not unlike the restaurant chain Olive Garden. Fans also note that every time Bucciarati picks up a new member they always end up here leading to jokes about Olive Garden being his favorite restaurant and immediately bringing Trish to one to officially recruit her into the gang.
  • Zipper Mom. Explanation A play on word for Bucciarati, his appearance and his zipper motif. Jokes abound about Bucciarati affectionately doting on the younger gang members and/or helping out or adopting orphans on the street. Occasionally Abbacchio is treated as the slightly irresponsible Team Dad.
    • Zipper Mom is tired. Explanation Portrayals of Bucciarati being exhausted from taking care of all his "children", such as this drawing of him keeping the gang on child leashes, with Fugo and Narancia fighting, Giorno going "MUDA", Abbacchio sticking pins in a voodoo doll of Giorno, and Mista pointing his gun at his mouth while Trish watches.
    • "Bucciarati, this is becoming a problem..." Explanation Portraying Bucciarati impulsively adopting every troubled teenager he comes across (sometimes, including Doppio) and Abbacchio complaining about it.
    • Abbacchio is the Dad of the team by default because he's older than Bucciarati / Abbacchio is another one of Mama Bucciarati's kids Explanation In fandom, Abbacchio is portrayed as Bucciarati's boyfriend/husband and the Team Dad half the time, and the "older brother going through his emo phase" the other half of the time. Sometimes they overlap and it falls under Parenting the Husband.
    • After Episode 31 aired, in which Bucciarati swings around on a pole while fighting Secco, the fandom started making jokes about him being a Single Mom Stripper.
  • DON'T WORRY DOPPIO I'M ON MY WAY! Explanation (spoilers) Based on this video, the sheer absurdity of Diavolo in a Tony Hawk game (its THUG Pro BTW) and the editing have caused the clip to appear in other meme videos.
  • 7 PAGE MUDA Explanation Near the end of the Green Day and Oasis story arc, Giorno finishes off Cioccolata with a beatdown that lasts through 7 pages in the manga. Widely considered one of the best scenes in Part 5 and the entire franchise, the hype for this being animated reached fever pitch in the weeks leading up to episode 31, with a meme regarding the hype making the front page of Know Your Meme the day before it went up. David Productions, aware of how this was the one scene they couldn't afford to mess up, even went as far as to task 6 of their key staff (called the "Muda Muda Animators" in the credits) to work on this scene specifically, and translated the seven pages into a thirty-second-long beating.
  • "He would say things like that every day, driving people to suicide." Explanation Taken from the scene when Cioccolata would tell the elders in his care that no one loved them to get them to kill themselves. Usually snowcloned with what he says changing to things such as skipping parts in JoJo, controversial anime tastes and the like.
  • Good! Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good... Explanation Cioccolata's rapidly saying 'good' is a reaction meme for... well, good things.
  • Viviamo in una società Explanation Cioccolata's resemblance to The Joker has lead to him being associated with the "We live in a society" meme by proxy. Cioccolata's antisocial personality and lack of empathy for people caught in the crossfire of Green Day's power helps this along.
  • Secco is anime Pink Guy. Explanation Secco is a depraved man in a full-body suit who communicates through nonsensical noises. For Filthy Frank fans, that description fits about a third of the main cast. To make things even better, Secco's Stand, Oasis, was renamed to Sanctuary - which is the name of a song that Pink Guy's actor made after his comedy career.
  • "Hello officer? There's a naked man swimming in dirt in the yard." Explanation Fans have been speculating that since non-Stand users can't see Stands, and Secco's Stand acts as a full body suit, normal people would only see him as a nude person acting like a mad dog.
  • Doppio's lost. Explanation People taking an image of Doppio holding a map from episode 32, and editing him into other locations, or other parts.
    • "Please be patient, I have schizophrenia." Explanation Doppio wearing a hat to blend into the crowd drew jokes related to the "Please be patient, I have autism" hat.
  • "Man, I never expected the gang to betray Bucciarati and join the Boss!" Explanation Based on a screencap where Mista, Trish and Giorno are seen standing beside Bucciarati, who is currently trapped inside Diavolo's body. The meme was thrown around as a fake spoiler of sorts, which indeed does look the case without context.
  • Bucciarati switching bodies with Diavolo spawned memes saying that Bucciarati wanted to be Trish's dad so much that he tried to become both her biological dad and the dad she deserved to have.
  • With the body-swapping aspect of the Chariot Requiem arc many fans have expressed disappointment that Leone Abbacchio died before the arc, with many joking about what would happen if he had swapped bodies with Giorno Giovanna and the hilarity that would ensue.
  • Mista wielding a gun while stuck in Trish's body have drawn plenty of memes from fans, ranging from the part where he shoots a cop, to the "DELET THIS" meme.
  • Trans Acceptance Diavolo Explanation (spoilers) Polnareff is suspicious when Bucciarati introduces Doppio to him as Trish, as it sounds like a girl's name. Diavolo's instructions are to say "Do you have a problem with me being a girl!?" and Polnareff apologizes to Doppio. As a result, some fans have latched onto the idea that Doppio is transgender, and that Polnareff supports trans people.
  • Diavolo's reveal. Explanation (spoilers) When Doppio confronts Polnareff, he reveals that he is Diavolo by walking behind a pillar and taking off his shirt. The scene became pretty well-known with fans.
    • "Great, now taking your shirt off is now officially a Jojo reference."
    • Diavolo accidentally skipping his own monologue. Explanation Diavolo starts his speech to Polnareff, still dressed as and with Doppio's appearance, before he continues his speech he activates King Crimson's time erasure, takes off his shirt and as time resumes asks Polnareff what he thinks. Problem is that by how King Crimson has been shown to work in the past, Polnareff would've no memory of what happened during the erased time. So from Polnareff's perspective, most of the monologue is just skipped up to the point where Diavolo ask him. Mocked online with videos from Polnareff's perspective and edited subs/dubs where Polnareff points this out to Diavolo.
    • Diavolo being the alternate form of Doppio also drew comparisons to Pokémon with fans jokingly referring to Diavolo as Doppio's Mega Evolution.
  • Fans have joked that Diavolo looks hotter when Bucciarati is inhabiting his body, saying that "a beautiful soul makes the body more beautiful".
  • Sex Pistols Requiem. Explanation (spoilers) When Polnareff grabs the Stand Arrow, he suggests Mista try it as he was the closest to Polnareff's position. As Sex Pistols is the physically weakest Stand in the group, this led fans to speculate how absurd it would be if it evolved into a Requiem stand: ranging from "bigger guns" to a "human-sized Sex Pistol erasing everything related to the number 4". In general, the fandom began jokingly rooting for Mista to get the Arrow due to several times he nearly did.
    • The very concept of Requiem Stands has also drawn lots of jokes from the fandom, such as King Crimson Requiem having an infinite number of smaller faces on Epitaph, or Purple Haze Requiem being a global pandemic, or Aerosmith Requiem being a full-sized plane, or Baby Face Requiem being able to impregnate males.
  • DONUT BEAM Explanation A fanart image of Giorno shooting lasers out of his hair loops to blast a hole in Diavolo's chest. Notable in how many fans actually believed it to be a manga spoiler, in a beautiful testament to how utterly absurd the series can be at times.
  • Diavolo is inevitable. Explanation One of Giorno's attempts to keep the arrow away from Diavolo is do a Badass Fingersnap to create a bunch of ants to chew the arrow's shaft in half (Diavolo had chopped off Giorno's arm earlier, so Giorno's blood was on King Crimson already). This didn't stop fans from comparing him to Thanos, or even saying "I ... have a dream", similar to Iron Man's counter in Avengers: Endgame
  • Look at me! Think about who's truly worthy! Explanation After failing to get the Arrow because of Bucciarati, Diavolo (represented by King Crimson due to soul shenanigans) starts begging for it, gesturing towards himself and even has puppy-eyed look. The sheer amount of Break the Haughty is hilarious.
  • Due to them sharing a criss-crossed red and white striped color scheme, some fans have joked that King Crimson is Mista's true Stand. This becomes Hilarious in Hindsight with Trish and Diavolo (Stands included) ending up in Mista's body during the climax.
  • Diavolo's infinite death.
    • Many are wondering how the little girl in the death sequence managed to kill Diavolo, leading to suggestions ranging from the girl's parents shooting Diavolo (possibly mistaking him for a pedophile) to the little girl herself being a Killer Rabbit.
    • Fans are also joking about the many ways Diavolo could die, suggesting that he could end up reliving other character deaths in the show like getting run over by an ambulance in Morioh.
    • As long as Diavolo dies, it's canon! Explanation (Spoilers) As Diavolo's deaths are literally infinite, this means he can live out any scenario possible. Fans are leading it to scenes where Speedwagon kills Diavolo, Jonathan killing Dio, as well as various hypothetical ships (and yes, this counts Ship Sinking) being canon because Diavolo is the one who can live through them all.
    • The scene where Diavolo crawls out of the water has drawn comparisons to the Little Mermaid, with some jokes about "the new Disney remake looks great!" coupled with a gif of Diavolo climbing out of the canal and stroking the ground.
  • Diorno Diovanna Explanation Giorno in the finale's intro makes the exact same pose as Shadow DIO, causing many to joke about a "Jojo reference inside actual Jojo", or to bring up "He Lives In You" from The Lion King II.
  • "Humans would taste gross since we eat lots of meat!" Explanation Mista casually brings up cannibalism during dinner, saying that herbivores taste better but carnivores taste gross, and suggesting that Narancia would "be quite tasty" since he mentions that he prefers fruits and vegetables over meat.
    • Some have also joked that the autopsy table in Diavolo's infinite death sequence was actually a dining table and Mista was preparing to eat him.
  • Photoshopping various Jojo characters to look like Polpo is very popular in some internet circles.
  • An error in a tie-in book mistakenly stated Risotto Nero's height as 185 cm, instead of his canon 195 cm. This led to many jokes comparing him to other characters, such as Jonathan or Illuso, while some others joke that his extra 10com of height is just his jester-like hat.
  • Mista shooting himself/"MEEESTAAAAAA" note Throughout Part 5, Mista, as much of a badass as he is, has managed to get hit by his own bullets very often. This has lead to many a joke about him shooting himself, especially after the White Album fight where he shoots himself nearly twenty times in one episode. "MEESTAAA" is a variant, referencing Sex Pistols' high-pitched voice screaming his name.
  • Bruno Bucciarati is Having Twins Explanation A piece of mpreg fetish art that became infamous. It became even more notorious when its creator took objection to this and actually tried to copyright it, which led people to circulate it even more and make parodies.
  • Coronavirus is Purple Haze Requiem. Explanation During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, some fans joked that the pandemic was actually Fugo's virus-based stand gone Requiem, especially when Italy became one of the more severely affected nations early on.
  • Pesci is Ferb. Explanation It is noted that Pesci's design resembles Ferb. This also led to Prosciutto being compared to Phineas.
  • Bruno Bucciarati is Mimiyuuuh. Explanation Fans from the Philippines were quick to point out the resemblance between Bucciarati and transgender Filipino comedian Mimiyuuuh, most notably their bob-style haircuts. It's become commonplace to post Bucciarati's picture in comment sections of Mimiyuuuh videos and posts.
  • Giorno is Jesus. Explanation "Dio" means "God" in Italian. "Diavolo" means "Devil" in Italian. With this in mind, the plot of part 5 can technically be summarized as "the son of God fights the Devil".
  • Even Kakyoin has standards. Explanation Joking about how even though Kakyoin loves moms (supposedly), he'd never date Giorno's mom.
  • Giorno has all the parents. Explanation Giorno has 2 biological fathers (Jonathan and Dio), one biological mother, one stepfather, and one "foster mother" (Bucciarati). To stretch it even further, some fans count his "godfather" (the gangster he saved when he was a kid), his "foster father" (Abbacchio), his "grandma" (Enya), and his "dad's boyfriend" (Pucci).
  • Fustop, Fuwait, Fugo. Explanation Fugo's suit is red in the colored manga, yellow in the video games, and green in the anime. Fans thusly compare the color of his suits to a traffic light.
  • Who would win? [Spice Pistols] or [SEX GIRL] Explanation Switching around the names of another Stand with Sex Pistols to make a silly Stand name with "Sex" in it, like "Gold Pistols" / "Sex Experience" or "Made Pistols" / "Sex in Heaven".
  • Silenzio Bruno! and We Don't Talk About Bruno. Explanation Both films has a meme related to bashing someone named Bruno. Bucciarati is affected.
  • "An Italian mom, his goth ex-cop husband and their 5 sexually confused adopted children try to take over the mafia by killing a pink-haired male stripper with multiple personality disorder." Explanation A one-sentence description of the part with no context to make it funnier.
  • "Seriously? This took a sudden turn for the awesome." and "Th-this really sucks..." Explanation An exploitable meme format with a pair of quotes from Mista. The meme can be used either to compare a good thing to a bad thing, or to represent a negative situation turning into a positive one (or vice versa by swapping the order of the panels).

    Memes that are unique to the anime

  • I, Giorno Giovanna, have a piano. Explanation Giorno's leitmotif, Il Vento d'Oro, has a habit of kicking in whenever the protagonists are against seemingly impossible odds shortly before they turn the tides against their enemies, the section used usually being the piano solo around the 3:45 mark. Memes have been made of the main theme indicating that Giorno has already won his fight, the villains having major Oh, Crap! moments when they hear his song, or "Giorno with a piano" being stronger than Ultimate Kars, Gold Experience Requiem, Made in Heaven and The World Over Heaven combined.
    • In a similar vein, The End of Golden Wind has gotten a sudden increase in use being played over images to indicate a triumphant victory, or a crushing defeat to something evil — specifically the part starting around 1:40.
    • "Zucchero is the strongest character in Part 5 because he beat Giorno while the piano was playing."
  • Make it blue! Explanation The change of Giorno's outfit from blue in the manga and video games, to pink in the anime, drew comparisons to the scene in Sleeping Beauty where the fairies argue over whether Aurora's dress should be pink or blue.
  • Mista Debuts in Episode 4. Explanation Mista has an irrational and superstitious fear of the number four, and out of an unfortunate irony, his first appearance is at the very end of the fourth anime episode. (At least he doesn't get dialogue until episode 5.)
  • Where did the budget go?/"Slender Giorno" Explanation A lot of jokes were made about the lower quality of animation in some of the far-away shots, most infamously, that Giorno literally has no face in some of the scenes, drawing comparisons to the Slender Man.
  • In awe at the size of this lad, ABSOLUTE UNIT Explanation Polpo's size gets taken to ridiculous lengths in the anime where even his head itself is enormous. There are also other memes comparing him to Gru from Despicable Me or the viruses from Cells at Work!.
  • They sure hate standing out, gangsters dress normally
  • RIP Anime Only. Explanation The second OP is noted for being very filled with spoilers for unfamiliar viewers, including Spice Girl, Doppio's introduction and confrontation with Risotto, and even Gold Experience Requiem . The fact that all of these things were common knowledge to readers of the manga lead to the obvious jokes about fans brought in by the anime being screwed over.
  • Doppio's appearance in the new opening has been wildly memed by fans, some poking fun at his purple color scheme and others squeeing how adorable his baby-like face is. And the endearingly frightened and innocent-looking expression to go with it.
  • I WAKE UP FEELING SO HORNY Explanation Vento Aureo's first ED is "Freek N' You" by Jodeci. The second line of the song instantly became meme material because of the juxtaposition of the R&B song and how fabulous the art style has become.
    • I don't feel so horny anymore note Starting with the 22th episode, the ending of Vento Aureo was changed from Freek'n You to Modern Crusaders by Enigma, marking the first time in the anime that the ending theme is changed in the same season (Stardust Crusaders had two endings because it had two different seasons), something that didn't even happen in the first anime during the transition from Phantom Blood to Battle Tendency. Cue many fans stating the line as a result. Some fans have even joked that the whole Freek'n You thing was a joke from the studio to make it fit with the infamous scene where Giorno heals Mista in a suggestive way after the fight with Ghiaccio.
  • "PHF CONFIRMED" Explanation Fugo's brief cameo had fans become hopeful for an anime adaptation of Purple Haze Feedback, Fugo's dubiously-canon redemption arc.
  • Should we tell them about the fence? Explanation (spoilers) Narancia is killed by the boss impaling him on the iron spikes of a fence. Shortly before the episode of his death aired, a lot of memes popped up involving fences with no context, much to the bewilderment of anime-only fans and subsequent amusement of manga readers.
    • New Cheese Boy. Explanation (spoilers) Since Fugo the 'Cheese Boy' left the gang, people joke that Narancia got impaled so he could be the new Cheese Boy. It doesn't help that the anime adaptation adds an extra scene with Fugo, causing people to joke that he sensed the Cheese Boy successor.
  • Infinite Great Days. Explanation (spoilers) Gold Experience Requiem's back-to-zero ability's visual effect is very similar to Part 4's Great Days Opening. Cue everyone making the same joke over and over again that it practically became a Discredited Meme the moment it was born, and everyone making meta memes on how the community got hit with GER.
  • Quality Experience Requiem. Explanation (spoilers) The anime episode where GER debuted had a great Animation Bump to emphasize how powerful GER really is... except for a few frames where Giorno, Diavolo, and the almighty Gold Experience Requiem are ridiculously Off-Model.
    • Some fans have compared GER's wide-eyed expression to a pop-eyed fancy goldfish.
  • Off-Model King Crimson. Explanation King Crimson and Epitaph is a fountain of off model frames and reaction images with his constantly pissed off face.
  • KUWA KUWA KUWA Explanation When viewing his recursive selves as Gold Experience Requiem is resetting him, Diavolo exclaims "KUWA?!" (translated as "WHA-?!"), followed by each one of his recursive selves making the same utterance one after the other with the exact same inflection. Needless to say, the fans are having a field day with this one in YouTube comments sections.
    • Memes have also compared Diavolo to Crash Bandicoot going "WOAH!", or to Waluigi's infamous "WAAAH!" meme.
    • Some fans use part 2 as an Interrupting Meme, breaking the "Wha-" chain by responding with "-mmu!" instead, cuing the Pillar Men theme.
    • Now that the dub is out, expect his "What the—" chain interrupted with an unrelated "—fuck?".
  • Fighting Gold, but Coda... Explanation There has recently been an abundance of edits to Part 5's first opening theme, with rather hilarious effects, and accompanied by varying pictures of Giorno. Examples include: "Fighting Gold but Coda forgot how to sing", "Fighting Gold but Coda is drowning you", "Fighting Gold but Coda got kicked in the balls before recording", among many others.
  • Diavolo has no nipples! Explanation A leaked image of the finale shows a topless Diavolo with his chest completely exposed, and he suffers noticeably from Barbie Doll Anatomy. Many fans have pointed this out, joking that King Crimson erased them, or actually photoshopping in a pair for him.
  • Farting Gold Explanation With the final scene being Mista opening the window and waves of wind streaming out, fans have joked that Mista or Giorno let one rip and Mista opened the window to let the smell out.
  • A lot of remixes in Youtube depict "Traitor's Requiem, but in MS Paint", showing the OP in really poor-quality hand-drawn animation with a lot of surreal and random easter eggs thrown in.

    Memes that are unique to other adaptations or localizations of Part 5

  • "____ Man" Explanation The Dub Name Changes of Sticky Fingers (Zipper Man), Man in the Mirror (Mirror Man), and Beach Boy (Fisher Man) led to jokes about renaming other Stands to fit the format.
  • wh7o Explanation A weird transcription error in the (normally pretty spot-on) Crunchyroll subs that was mocked and copied almost immediately within the fandom.
  • Notorious Chase Explanation Notorious BIG being renamed Notorious CHASE in the English version drew wide mockery from the Western fandom, with many making jokes about "Chase", the second intro of Diamond is Unbreakable.
  • Green Tea Explanation The localized name of Cioccolata's stand, Green Day, due mostly to how innocent it sounds compared to Green Day's horrifying power. It's usually considered one of the worst localisation names for a Stand yet alongside Narancia's Aerosmith becoming Lil' Bomber or Bucciarati's Sticky Fingers becoming Zipper Man, and widely mocked through having Cioccolata refer to "spilling the tea."
  • JoJo's Basket Explanation Episode 30 of the anime was initially uploaded with the subtitles for episode 7 of Fruits Basket (2019). The surreal juxtaposition of the subtitles with what was actually happening has led to this being a Fountain of Memes.
  • Narancia sounds like Rigby. Explanation Kyle McCarley's voice for Narancia sounds disturbingly similar in some scenes to Rigby from Regular Show to the point where people were wondering for a moment if Narancia was in fact played by William Salyers. Add in how the two have similar characterization and the fandom ran with it.
  • "Moody Jazz! Let's jam!" Explanation The English dub version of Moody Blues' debut removed the Dramatic Pause in the Japanese version and used "Let's jam!" to fit the Lip Lock. It was accepted as a cool touch to the original script, but it also led to crossover memes with other works that use the phrase, like Cowboy Bebop and Space Jam . Ironically, Mick Lauer expressed concern that people wouldn't like that change.
  • Passione 24 Hours. Explanation A playtrough of the corrupted PlayStation 2 Vento Aureo game, which quickly became memetic for its surreal contents.
    • Bald Bucciarati. Explanation In the aforementioned corruption series, Bucciarati's ingame model, for some reason, tended to lose his hair in different ways as a Running Gag.
      • The Bald Theme. Explanation The original game's end credits theme as people now associate it more with the above meme. It often accompanied Bucciarati, or, on rare occasion, other characters losing their hair, derived from the fact that this played during the aforementioned bald scene in the corruptions.
  • Choking Doppio . Explanation During the fight between Doppio and Risotto Nero, we get a moment where we hear the thoughts of Diavolo while Doppio is busy choking thanks to Metallica, with one half of his face being the normal Doppio the other half being Diavolo's face. The strange way their faces combined in such a way has lead it to instantly becoming a meme. One mutation from this image is [https://preview.redd.it/6v9j8hc3su941.png?auto=webp&s=8466e0dc77311d921c86d75c77d48429b399d514 a three part meme format]] where the first image is of Doppio gripping his neck while being attacked by Metallica, the second being of a happy Doppio with his hand off his neck, and the third being a content aware scaled variant of the first image. Commonly used to describe situations that start out bad (the first image) then seemingly get better (second image) only for it to turn out worse (third image)


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Memes/JoJosBizarreAdventureGoldenWind

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